Type of Well: Borehole with Indian Mark II Hand Pump
In Partnership with: HOPe
Approximate Number of People Served: 1000
Location: Ihomasa Village, Tanzania, Africa
Date of Completion: March 2011
Total Depth: 80 meters
Cost: $11,000 USD
Drilling Company Used: Drilling and Dam Construction Agency/ASETS
Water Condition Before the Well: Residents of Ihomasa used hand dug wells as their primary source of water. Access to water was so bad that when we arrived on scene, there was a line of 15 buckets waiting to be filled by one small puddle of water that was discovered. Ihomasa is primarily a farming community and the lack of access to water affected not only their health but the livelihood of their crops and therefore their income.
Water Condition After the Well: The reception we received after the completion of the drilling of the well was so heartwarming, as the community was truly in desperate need of having access to clean water. Our Hygiene and Sanitation Education Program for the children and adults was extremely well received by all. Since the drilling of the well, the overall health and wellbeing of the community has improved, and children are no longer suffering from water-borne diseases and dehydration.
You can scroll through the pictures and videos below, and watch the responses that the community gave when asked how their lives had improved since having access to water from the well. One of the women said that she is able to spend more time caring for her family, as well as working within the community to support its further development. Another said that they have planted trees around the community, using water from the well, and have started to grow crops in personal farms that they are able to feed their families with. Since they now drink safe, clean water from the well, they have seen a vast improvement in their health, compared to when they were drinking contaminated water from the hand dug wells.