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Type of Well: Borehole with Electric Pump

Approximate Number of People Served: 1100

Location: Mawindi, Tanzania, Africa

Date of Construction: December, 2018

Total Depth: Approx. 150 meters

Cost: $15,000 USD

Drilling Company Used: Frederick Hydro Rocks

Water Condition Before the Well: There was very little water to be found anywhere in the village, especially during the dry season. People from the community lined up for hours with their buckets, hoping to be able to fill them from a hand dug well that was really just a dry, dirt hole in the ground. Our E.P.I.C. team, in partnership with a local drilling company, drilled a borehole well, and worked through the night, because we ended up having to go deeper than we initially thought to find water.  


Water Condition After the Well: Thankfully, when we struck the water table, there was really strong water pressure! Because there was already electricity in the village, we were able to install an electric pump. That means that the water is now reaching more people in the community, because the source can be shared with multiple locations. 


Through the E.P.I.C. Fellowship Program team, we also formed an E.P.I.C. Environmental Group for the kids in the village, and taught them how to plant mango, avocado and papaya trees. Because of the water at the school, our team was able to help the community build new bathrooms for the children and teachers. We conducted a Hygiene and Sanitation Education Program (which we do in every village after clean water is made accessible), teaching about the importance of washing hands after using the toilet, or before eating anything.


The necessity to implement proper hygiene and sanitation practices is more important than ever before, with the spread of Covid19 and other life threatening viruses. Overall, the community has already seen an immense amount of growth in a very short time, benefitting not only the people who live there, but the animals that they use for livestock as well. The people of Mawindi have taken a massive initiative to continue developing the community, now that they have access to an abundance of clean water!

Scroll through the slideshow below to hear Kisinda talking about the installation of the electric pump, and to see the new bathrooms at the school.


100% of all donations go towards clean water wells and community development.

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