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Type of Well: Borehole with Indian Mark II Hand Pump

Approximate Number of People Served: 1000

Location: Lupalama, Tanzania, Africa

Date of Construction: August 2016

Total Depth: 


Drilling Company Used: Frederick Hydro Rocks

Water Condition Before And After the Well: Before the well, water was collected from a local stream that dried up during the dry season. Even during the rainy season, the water was not clean or safe to drink. 

After drilling the well at Lupalama Primary School, the children at the school have been thriving. There has been a massive improvement in their grades, and the overall health and wellbeing of the community has been so much better. You can see it in the smiles of the children, and the energy in their spirit. 

E.P.I.C. has a really great relationship with Lupalama Primary School, and the teachers there, and in 2019, through the leadership of one of our E.P.I.C. Fellows, Mandy Maree, we constructed a library at the school, because the teachers and parents said that it would really benefit the children and the community at large. We constructed a new building, attached to the school, and imported books from around the world. The library at Lupalama was one of the last projects that E.P.I.C. completed before the world was faced with the Covid19 pandemic. It is still a work in progress, but the construction is finished, and the school is extremely grateful for the building. 

Our relationship with Lupalama is one that is strengthened each year. We have close bonds with the students, as every year we teach proper Hygiene and Sanitation practices, as well as our E.P.I.C. Leadership Program, offering them the skills needed to become young leaders in their community. 


100% of all donations go towards clean water wells and community development.

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